《特殊身份/终极解码》 高清720p由于 西西影院 分享。本首发高清电影论坛 每天更新分享最新的720p,1080p等高清电影下载。在本电影网站,大家可以下载国内,亚洲,欧美等最新高清电影,电视剧。电影资源只要放在百度网盘,迅雷网盘,以及部分迅雷BT种子。谢谢大家对西西影院的支持。
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《特殊身份/终极解码》高清720p 由于西西影院 介绍:
【导演】: 霍耀良
【编剧】: 司徒锦源
【主演】: 甄子丹 / 景甜 / 安志杰 / 张涵予 / 郑中基 / 邹兆龙 / 鲍起静 / 卢惠光 / 吴志雄 / 杨志刚 / 杨坤
【类型】: 动作 / 犯罪
【制片国家/地区】: 中国大陆
【语言】: 汉语普通话 / 粤语
【上映日期】: 2013-10-18(中国大陆)
【片长】: 99分钟
【又名】: 终极解码 / Special Identity
陈子龙(甄子丹 饰)被香港警方挑选卧底混入黑社会工作,收集黑社会大头目“熊”(邹兆龙 饰)犯罪情报。出生入死的生活,陈子龙已感厌倦,希望早日回复自由身。熊的组织连连被警方瓦解,意会到内部一定有卧底。开始对每个不信任手下展开大屠杀。陈子龙怕身份早晚被揭发,急于找其上司张Sir(郑中基 饰)。不过,张Sir认为是目前有个千载难逢机会,可以全面瓦解熊的全部组织。希望陈子龙尽最后努力,陪同该组织内最利害头目Sunny(安志杰 饰)到中国内地,调查他们在海南岛犯罪行径,以便全部绳之于法。到了内地,陈子龙及Sunny被一个神秘刺客“剑锋”(张涵予 饰)追杀,陈子龙处于一个极度危险境界,是生是死已无法自控……
Chen Zilong (donnie yen) selected by the Hong Kong police undercover work into the underworld, collect underworld kingpin "bear" (ch0u) criminal intelligence. Who lives, Chen Zilong has feeling bored, hope your early reply. Bear with the tacit organization repeatedly collapse by the police, must have the undercover to internal. Began to mistrust of each hand of genocide. Chen Zilong afraid of identity was revealed in the morning and evening, eager to find his boss zhang Sir (Ronald cheng). However, zhang Sir Think is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, can break down altogether bear all of the organization. Hope Chen Zilong in a last-ditch effort, accompanied by the most interest within the organization leader Sunny (Andy on) to mainland China, investigate their crimes in hainan island, so that all to justice. In the mainland, Chen Zilong and Sunny is a mysterious assassin "blade" (zhang), Chen Zilong in a extremely dangerous state, it is life is death have been unable to control...
《特殊身份/终极解码》高清720p 由于西西影院 截图:
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