一个职业杀手(史蒂文·席格 Steven Seagal 饰)决定洗心革面,受雇于政府机构执行秘密任务以换取法律上的赦免,当他执行任务时,遇到一个从黑帮老大(维尼·琼斯 Vinnie Jones 饰)手里逃跑,正在被追杀的无辜女孩,杀手在保护女孩和执行任务之间左右为难,鱼与熊掌能否兼得,职业杀手能否得到救赎,他需要一个新的起点...
When a contract killer (Steven Seagal) encounters a girl on the run from a mob boss (Vinnie Jones) with powerful political ties, he is torn between protecting the girl, and remaining loyal to the government agency that hired him for the mission.
Steven Seagal: John Alexander
Byron Mann: Chi
Howard Dell: Van Horn
Adina Stetcu: Nadia
Vinnie Jones: The Boss
Josh Barnett: Colt
Maria Bata: Diana
Dominte Cosmin: Sergei
Sergiu Costache: The Afghani