Name/Year..: The Lover (1992)
Theatre....: 15 April 1992 (USA)
Release....: 04 august 2012
Retail.....: -
Source.....: Bluray
Length.....: 115m
Video......: 1920*1040
Audio......: [X] English 5.1 DTS
Subtitles..: [ ] English [ ] Spanish [] French
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Rating.....: 6.7/10 from 8,498 users
Genre......: Biography | Drama | Romance
Screens....: $4,899,194 (USA) 30 October 1992 (USA) (188 Screens)
In 1929 French Indochina, a French teenage girl embarks on a reckless
and forbidden romance with a wealthy, older Chinese man, each knowing
that knowledge of their affair will bring drastic consequences to each other.