大家闺秀、暴发户、政客、江洋大盗、记者、演员、名门之后、主教、艺术家、文人——真实或假想——组成了故事中若有若无的关系。在令人绝望的巴比伦,他们穿梭于古典宫殿、大别墅及城中最大的花园里。他们都在那里。他们的状态不佳。65岁的作者兼记者JepGambardella(托尼·瑟维洛 Toni Servillo饰)麻木不仁、心灰意冷,终日沉迷于酒精之中,见证这群人的空虚和颓废,强势和绝望。垂头丧气,让人眩晕。故事发生的背景就是夏季的罗马。精致、冷漠,恰似一位香消玉殒的佳人。
Goldilocks, upstarts, politicians, criminal, journalists, actors, successor, bishop, artists, writers, real or imaginary, formed in the story if if no relationship. In desperate Babylon, they through the classical palace, large villa and the largest garden in the city. They are there. Their poor condition. 65 - year - old author and journalist JepGambardella (Tony mather vero Toni Servillo) callousness, dispirited and discouraged, all addicted to alcohol, witness this group of people of emptiness and decadent, strong and despair. Depressed, make people dizzy. The story happened background is the Roman summer. Delicate, indifference, and death like a sweet woman.