Rudolf, a black stray cat, is suddenly separated from his beloved master. He unexpectedly wakes up in a long-distance truck that takes him to metropolis Tokyo. There, he meets Ippai-attena, a big boss cat feared by everyone in town. Unable to return home, Rudolf starts a life as a stray with Ippai-attena, but Ippai-attena isn‘t all that he seems to be.
TAGLINE...................: Rudolf the Black Cat
GENRE.....................: Animation | Adventure | Comedy
IMDb RATING...............: 8.0/10 from 27 users
ENCODER...................: Jubowo @ WiKi
RELEASE DATE..............: 2017-03-22
RELEASE SIZE..............: 4.18 GiB
SOURCE....................: JPN 1080p Blu-ray AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-TTG