Based on the 16th-century Chinese novel Feng Shen Yan Yi (The Investiture of the Gods), the story tells of how King Zhou of Shang becomes a tyrant due to the wiles of Daji, a vixen spirit who is disguised as one of his concubines.
TAGLiNE...................: League of Gods (2016)
GENRE.....................: Action | Fantasy
iMDb RATiNG...............: 4.4/10 (338 votes)
ENCODER...................: Wiki
RELEASE DATE..............: 2016-12-15
RELEASE SiZE..............: 5.47 GiB
SOURCE....................: TW Blu-ray 1080p AVC DTS HD MA 5.1 -TTG
RUNTiME...................: 1h:48m:57s
ViDEO CODEC...............: x264_L4.1 @ 5902 Kbps
RESOLUTiON................: 1280x536
DiSPLAY ASPECT RATiO......: 2.40:1
FRAME RATE................: 24.000 fps
AUDiO CODEC 1.............: Chinese Dolby Digital 5.1 @ 640 Kbps
AUDiO CODEC 2.............: Chinese Dolby Digital 5.1 @ 640 Kbps