Set in post-World War II Japan, midwife Nobuko is resolved to move on as she stands at the grave of her son Koji who died, alongside thousands of others, when the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on the civilians in the southern city of Nagasaki. However, upon returning home she is visited by an apparition. which continues to return in order to commiserate and reminisce with the woman about the past, family, affection and war.
TAGLINE...................: Living with My Mother
GENRE.....................: Drama
IMDb RATING...............: 7.3/10 from 47 users
IMDb LINK.................:
ENCODER...................: Jubowo @ WiKi
RELEASE DATE..............: 2016-06-24
RELEASE SIZE..............: 7.97 GiB
SOURCE....................: JPN 1080p Blu-ray AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-TTG