Take a terrifying plunge into the warped mind of a disturbed young woman. Desperate to get her life back on track| the unstable Streak takes a job as a security
guard| working the graveyard shift at a once upscale| now abandoned apartment complex. But on her first night on duty| she discovers a horrifying presence lurking
deep within the bowels of the decaying building. With her nerves already on edge| Streak must confront demons both real and imagined as she struggles to keep a grip
on her sanity.
is proud to present:
ViDEO: 1920 x 1080 @ 8010 Kbps
AUDiO: DTS 5.1 @ 640 Kbps
RUNTiME: 1h 30mn
Language: English
Subtitle(s): -
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